Haritha Mitram- Smart Garbage Management System
Haritha Mitram- Smart Garbage Management System App is gaining momentum, as it marks a revolutionary change in the monitoring of non-organic waste management systems in the state. The Harithamitram enables the stakeholders, from the state level to the local self-government ward level to monitor and evaluate the waste management systems through an online platform.
Every aspect of field level waste management is monitored online from the state level to the local self-government ward level, especially sanitation waste management activities initiated by the LSGIS, its physical and financial progress, and functioning of public grievance redressal cells etc. Harithamitram is developed by Keltron under the guidance of Haritha Keralam Mission, Suchitwa Mission and Kila.

The Smart Garbage Management System will provide information on current waste management practices adopted at specific waste generation sources, viz houses, shops, hospitals, auditoriums, places of worship, other institutions and public places. Data on usage fee charged by Haritha Karma Sena for waste collection and calendar details scheduled for waste collection etc are available in the app. Through this, households and establishments that failed to pay user fees can be easily tracked and brought to the attention of LSGI authorities. GIS tracking facilities are widely utilised in this monitoring system as Location map of MCF, Mini MCF, RRF inorganic waste collection centers, GPS tracking of garbage removing vehicles etc are possible through this application. Further this Smart Garbage Management System App is equipped with a comprehensive web portal with a dashboard where in real-time databases can be monitored from the local body level to the state level.
The Smart Garbage Management System is being implemented in the state with the collective cooperation of the general public, people's representatives, Government officials, organizations, people's groups, student groups, youth groups, various government departments and agencies. The components of Haritha Mitram app include the database on waste deposits, a technician app for service providers and technicians, and a customer app for the general public.
The functioning of Smart Garbage Management app includes exploring and tracking of waste dumping areas with geo-location, digitalising houses and institutions from where waste is collected ,stickering of QR code at sites etc. The first phase of Haritha Mitram- Smart Garbage Management System is the stickering of QR code in the houses and institutions from where waste is collected. All future actions will be proceeded based on the information obtained from the scanning of QR code.
The Service providers component of Smart Garbage Management app provides valuable utilities especially to the Haritha Karma Sena as it provides clear cut information on Areas to be visited on specific dates, services to be provided, complaints made by customers etc. The Smart Garbage Management app records the quantity and type of waste and garbage collected at source, details of the services provided at source, collected user fee collection at source. Provisions are incorporated to evaluate the waste management activities of a specific area of each local self-government body on a daily basis at the local self-government level, district level or state level.
Haritha Mitram will be beneficial to the customers in such a way that it can be used as a tool to demand services in a timely manner and to bring before the authorities the undue delays caused so as to resolve them in a timely manner. Haritha Mitram will provide information on specific days and types of waste that will be collected from a particular area. The app accurately tracks the various stages of waste collection down from doorstep collection till it is safely disposed of. The database generated from this app will be beneficial for the local self-government bodies and the state government as it is a source of research and information of its kind for planning various projects.