Litter Free Kerala Campaign / Malinya Muktha Keralam Campaign
One of the stated goals of the State government is to make Kerala the cleanest state in the country. Inorder to achieve the set goal, the Navakeralam Karma Padhathi,has initiated the Litter Free Kerala Campaign under the auspices of the local self-governing bodies. This campaign is being organised jointly by Haritha Keralam Mission, Suchitwa Mission and Local Self-Government Institutions with the involvement of every section of the society. The objectives of the campaign include making a hassle free and viable waste management system, promoting the habit of reusing /recycling, promoting nature-friendly alternatives, initiating legal action against unscientific and unhealthy waste dumping practices, and encouraging best waste management practices.

This campaign is being organised jointly by Haritha Keralam Mission, Suchitwa Mission and Local Self-Government Institutions with the involvement of every section of the society.